• Osprey Adds Strategy Consulting

    For over 30 years, Osprey Clarke has built board level relationships, so it was a natural evolution to announce the appointment of Raglan Tribe to manage our new division earlier this year.

    Raglan has extensive board-level experience as a senior partner in Frost & Sullivan, aczel&co and Mindsheet. He has developed winning strategies for blue chip technology companies in Government, Automotive, Financial and Defence Industries



    Previously, Raglan was the Group Research and Development Director of De La Rue plc where he led their product launch programme for the worlds’ largest currency conversion, the Euro. He also has 12 years of automotive experience progressing to the Chassis Systems Director of TRW Automotive. He has authored 28 papers and published 15 patents and was a pioneer in the field of autonomous vehicles. His Driver Assistance master patent is now the basis of a $78bn market.

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    The decision to acquire senior talent should always be taken within the right strategic context. A bad C-Suite hire could set you back years. Richard Foster from the Yale School of Management shows that the average lifespan of a Standard & Poor company has fallen from 67 years in the 1920s to just 15 years today. He speculates that 75% of today’s firms will be gone by 2027. It’s the same story with the FTSE 100 and private companies. It is getting harder and harder to stay at the top. The very notion of business strength and power is changing. Cornering the market and monopolising resources no longer assures long term success. How would your company fare against a determined agile competitor, anywhere in the world, with a disruptive offer and exponential growth?

    Therefore, the key questions are:

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    Do you have the right strategy to retain and grow your existing markets?

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    Do you have the right strategy to break into new promising markets?

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    Do you have the right talent to create and deliver winning strategies in these turbulent times?

    In this role, Raglan can act as a sounding board for our clients to ensure that our talent search is effectively directed to meet your strategic needs. If necessary, we can also support deeper dives to hone strategies that are no longer working. Please contact Raglan Tribe if you would like to book a strategy evaluation session.

    raglantribe@ospreyclarke.com +44 (0) 07973 337 372